Shwe Yin Myaw Pagoda is situated in Theinseik Village. Thaton Township. Kayin State. Buddha went on sojourn to Thuwunna Bhumi Thaton for the third time in Maha Sakarit 128. Buddha and all the Sangha were waited with bated breath by the king and queen of Thaton at the place and marked with the building of the pagoda enshrining the seven treasures. It is about 20 cubits high and called Taung-lay-gon Shwe-yin-myaw in Myanmar and Bwa in Pa-O. With the passage of time the pagoda suffered the ravages of time and it was repaired by U Shwe Ok (a) Bo Shwe Ok’s wife Daw Pan (a) Aphwa Ma Pann up to the present height of 45 cubits.