Chanthaya Pagoda was one of the 84000 pagodas built by King Thin Dhamma Thoka. It was built under the name of Lawka Tharaphu. It was 15 cubits high with a girth of ten cubits. It lies in Chanthaya Htone Kone of Chan Aye Thazan Township. Mandalay Division. King Alaung Sithu viewed the pagoda while on one of his sojourns and named it Aungcha Shwegu. as it was resting on a little higher ground. In 1152. King Thiri Dhamma Wizaya Thihathura (Thihathu) fell ill and found no cure. He visited the pagoda and prayed for his well-being and it was granted. So he built it to be 64 cubits high and 174 cubits in girth and named it wish-granting Chanthaya Pagoda. Still there today in Gantakuti Taik are images built in the Bagan. Pinya and Innwa times. elephant-borne images. golden Thamin-bome images. ancient relics. other relics and ancient images.