Pathein Umbrella

A Parasol from Pathein The umbrella industry of Pathein. the capital of the Ayeyarwady Division of Myanmar’s delta region. is well known worldwide. This cottage industry was established in Pathein over a hundred years ago. The first umbrellas were made of paper. but through experience the makers became innovative and began to produce umbrellas with […]

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Palm Leave Inscriptions

Ancient Myanmars wrote their records on slabs of sandstone or bronze. gold plate. palm leaves and parabaik or writing tablet made of paper. cloth or metal in the form of accordion folds.Palm-leaf inscriptions are usually made on corypha palm leaf with stylus. Palm-leaf inscriptions are made on corypha palm leaf or on toddy palm leaf […]

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Myanmar Wedding

MYANMAR TRADITIONAL WEDDING CEREMONY Since the time of birth until they become adults. Myanmar celebrate 12 auspicious occasions. We are now going to present. one of these 12 auspicious occasions. “ The wedding ceremony ”. When a boy and a girl come of age and. love one another and will want to marry and live […]

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Myanmar Traditional Culture

“Mingalarbar” is a word of greeting in Myanmar that came into wide usage only after the country regained her independence. In former days the usual greeting was “Kyan gan thar lo mar yet lar.” or “Mar bar yet lar”. or more informally “Nay kaung lar” which the nearest in English means “How are you?” or […]

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Myanmar Toys

The surprising spectacle of my ten-year old granddaughter struggling to spin a wooden top a few days ago brought back a nostalgia for my own childhood when I was the champion top spinner in our neighbourhood. My granddaughter is a quiet. gentle girl who usually plays with cuddly toys. jigsaw puzzles and Barbie dolls as […]

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Myanmar Shampoo

There was a time. not long ago when long. black glossy hair was considered the crowning glory of a Myanmar woman and the longer and thicker the growth. the better. In fact. men also wore their hair long and knotted in the days of the monarchy and even after. Short hair was considered unbecoming and […]

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Myanmar Perception

People with a basic knowledge of the culture and custom of Myanmar will find it easy to live with its citizens without friction or discord. and leave in the same fashion. Though Myanmar social customs are quite flexible. the ground rules are important for convivial inter change. Naming System A Myanmar has no family name. […]

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Myanmar Mat

The mat is an essential accessory in a Myanmar household. It is weaved from thin straps of the Thin Reed.The Thin Reed grows in the swamp areas of Ayeyawady Delta region and Taninthayi Division of Lower Myanmar. The traditional mat weaving industry flourishes at Pantanaw. Danubyu. Laymyetnha. Hinthada and Maubin Townships in Ayeyawady Division. It […]

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Myanmar Longyi

The Myanmar “longyi.” a sarong-like nether garment is an integral part of the Myanmar national dress worn by men as well as the fairer sex. It is basically a piece of cloth sown into a cylindrical tube. slipped over the head by men and stepped into by the women and tucked in at the waist. […]

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Myanmar Folk Dances

Myanmar folk dances developed together with folk music and songs. So they are inseparably linked with folk music and songs. These three performing arts are complementary and agro-based. As Myanmar is an agricultural country the majority of its people are peasants and their cultural performance reflect their occupation and daily life style. Just as their […]

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