Myanmar Fans

Although a fan is not included in the prescribed articles of donation for use of Buddhist monks. it is a necessity in a tropical country like Myanmar. It is therefore always added in the list of articles donated to the monks during the Buddhist religious activities. It helps to shade the bare-shaved head of the […]

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Myanmar Family

A HAPPY MYANMAR FAMILY Much has been said about the institution of family in Myanmar. that it is essentially a relationship based on specific duties and responsibilities on the part of husband. wife. parents and offspring. These rights and duties are taken seriously and adhered to closely (although being human there may be lapses). Love […]

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Myanmar Chess

Chess is one of the games that is well-known and played around the world. And in Myanmar. we have our own significant traditional chess game. Since ancient times. the Myanmar people were very keen and fond of playing traditional chess. In fact. Myanma traditional chess in based on four warfare elements. which were show in […]

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Myanma Chinlon

Chinlon – Myanmar Traditional Sport. Chinlon is a cane ball composed of wicker-work. Cane or rattan. a wild creeper which grows profusely in many forests of Myanmar is a very resilient fiberous gift of nature which Myanmar people have been using for various purposes since time immemorial. In olden days houses in rural areas were […]

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Marionette Theatre

No pagoda festival in Myanmar is complete without a marionette show. Festivals come after paddy is harvested and when farmers can look forward to a short spell of leisure. What is more. they have hard cash to spend. The stubble plains where people had. some time before. worked hard at harvesting are now a scene […]

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Mandalay Mya Nann San Kyaw Palace

Mandalay City. the second largest city after the capital Yangon is known as YA-Da-Na-Bon (cluster of gems) NAY-PYAY-DAW (capital city) in olden days. It is also called the golden capital Mandalay. Mandalay City came into existence on Sunday 3rd. May in the year AD 1859. At the same time. the cities walls. royal moat. Mahalawka […]

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Myanmar clothing differed from time to time. Dress of couples from Inwa Period Dress of couples from Konbaung Period Dress of couple from Mid Konbaung Period Dress of a lady from late Yadanarbon Period Dress of lady from late Mandalay Period

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Bago Kanbawza Thardi Palace

Bago is situated about 50 miles north of Yangon. It was the capital city of the Hanthawady Kingdom for many centuries under the Mon and Myanmar monarchs. Bago (or) Ogsa city was a renowned cultural region in lower Myanmar. If one talks about Bago (or) Ogsa City. he can not leave the King who possessed […]

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Full Moon Day of Waso

Waso Robe Offering Festival (Countrywide)

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Thingyan Water Festival (Countrywide)

Myanmar Festivals. Water Festival (Myanmar Thingyan) (Countrywide). Myanmar is a land full of festivals and fun. The Mekong Water Festival includes the countries Thailand. Cambodia. Myanmar and Laos. The celebration is called Songkran in Thailand. Chaul Chnam Thmey in Cambodia. Thingyan in Myanmar and Pimai in Laos. But it is believed that water festival washes […]

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