Thanakha Grinding Festival (Rakhine)

Thanakha is a cream or make up obtained by grinding thanakha tree’s bark. Females use it as a protection against heat as well as a decoration. However. it is not unusual to see males also wearing them. thanakha grinding event in Sittwe is a traditional event held on the eve of Water Festival i.e. Thingyan. […]

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Taung Pyone Festival (Mandalay Division)

Mount Popa is a vast volcanic mountain that overwhelms the flat landscape. It is only about one hour drive from Bagan. Popa is located near Bagan and it has many legendary stories about the spirits (Nats) of today. This annual festival is known as Taung Byone festival. it is usually held during the month of […]

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Shwedagon Pagoda Festival (Yangon Division)

The festival of the Shwedagon Pagoda is celebrated on the fullmoon day of Tabaung (March) every year. This is the eand mark of Myanmar. vistible from all directions. It situates on the hill of seinguttra and therefore it lore the original name of Seinguttra Ceti. It was built by King Utkalapa enshrinijg the sacred hair […]

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Shwe Umin Pagoda Festival (Shan State)

Myanmar Festivals. Pindaya Shwe Oo Min Pagoda Festival (Pindaya. Southern Shan State) Pindaya Shwe Oo Min cave Pagoda festival is held on and around Full moon day of Tabaung as well. It starts seven days before the full moon day. During the festival time. thousands of devotees come from villages around the area to the […]

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Sand Pagoda Festival (Countrywide)

One of the traditional festivals of the month Tabaung (March) is the festival of the pagoda or stupa on the broad sand banks along the river of the locality. It falls on the full moon day of the month, Tabaung. During the Pagoda festival, there are shopping malls where the visitors from adjacent villages buy […]

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Salon Festival (Thanintharyi Division)

Salon festival is usually held during the month of February. The festival is at Majungalet Village on Bocho Island near Lampi Island in Myeik. Thanintharyi Division. It is celebrated every year. to promote tourism in acquaintance with Salon and Myeik Archipelago as one of the tourism attractions for International Market. Here is where you will […]

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Phaungdawoo Pagoda Festival (Inle Lake-Shan State)

One of the famous principal shrines in Myanmar. this pagoda houses five small Buddha images. Once a year. in end Sept-early Oct.. there is a pagoda festival during which the five Buddha images are rowed around the Lake in a colourful barge. Situated in Inle Lake. one of the most dazzling and magical places in […]

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Pariyatti Sasana Examination (Countrywide)

The religious (Buddhist) examinations are usually held during the month of Na Yone (June). Since the time of the Myanmar Kings, the religious examinations for the novices and monks were held in the court yard annually including written test and viva voice. Nowadays the religious examinations were held for and wide all over the country.

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Naga New Year (Sagaing)

Myanmar Festivals. Numerous Naga tribes spread throughout the Northwestern hills of Myanmar. Most of the Naga are from the Chin State. The Naga festival is social. but it is also to exchange previous year experiences. to make plans for the coming year and to discuss how to overcome difficulties. They pray for abundant crops and […]

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Myanmar New Year Festival (Countrywide)

Myanmar New Year Festival is held after the consecutive Thingyan Water Festival. Thingyan Water Festival is enjoyed by both young and old generations throughout the country. On Myanmar New Year Day. which usually falls on 17th April. Myanmars donate offerings to Monks and elders. The youngsters wash the elders hair. cut their nails and do […]

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