Myanmar Festivals. Annually in March. on the full moon day of Tabaung (March) which is the last month of the Myanmar lunar calendar. Kakku Pagoda festival takes place. Normally the festival will begin two or three days in advance for this is not just a religious festival but also a social occasion. It is the time for all to have fun. exchange news and gossips. to trade. For the younger set it is the time to meet their friends from other villages or the boys to fall in love with the girls.
As it is. all the people of the region arrive by the thousands. dressed in their traditional costumes. Some come in bullock carts while others arrive by more modern conveyances. on the village tractor. But the most interesting time to visit this place is to get there before dawn of the full moon day of Tabaung where the Pa O people in all their finery come with gaily decorated trays bearing morning food offerings.