The famous legendary Pagoda on the Golden Rock about 160 Km from Yangon and 11 km of hiking from the base camp at Kyaikhto. Visitors can also go by car up to a point about a mile away from the Pagoda. This pagoda is situated on a rocky mountain 3615 ft above sea level. The Kyaikhtiyo pagoda is one of the most ancient and celebrated of all pagodas in Myanmar. It is situated in the vicinity of Kyaikhto township. Thaton district. The pagoda is said to have been built during the life-time of the Buddha over 2400 years ago.

The Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival is a special festival of lights celebration. On the Full Moon Day of Thadingyut. locals offer the lighting of 9000 candles and 9000 flowers to the Biuddha. On the next morning. rice. sweets and other snacks are offered. The platform and passage of the pagoda are usually filled with visitors from all over the country. Tourists also find the golden rock pagoda magnificent. Thadingyut usually falls in October. depending on the lunar calendar. At such a time. the weather is cold up on the mountain.

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During the festival time most of the local places and hotels around the pagoda are fully booked. Some people travel to the base of the mountain by car. and then hike up the mountain on foot. Some people climb the mountain by ferry buses. Some hike up with carriers.