Timeline History
Important Events | Important Events |
. | 3.9 billion years ago | Oldest rocks of the earth. Precambrian time |
Pondaung Man, the earliest primates known today, resided in Pondaung, northern Myanmar. Other traces of early human settlements are also found. | 40 Million years ago | . |
. | 1 Million years ago | Traces of Java Man, Indonesia |
. | 900,000 years ago | Peking Man, China |
. | 600,000 years ago | Lantian man, China |
. | BC 3300 | Writing developed in Sumeria |
. | BC 3100 | Egypt united |
. | 3000 | Birth of Greece |
. | BC 2500 | Begining of Indus Valley civilization |
. | BC 2590 | Great pyramid of Giza built |
Hanlin Pyu City State, Beikthano (Vishnu) Pyu City State, Thuwunna Bonmi (Ramanya) City State came into existance | BC 2000 | . |
. | BC 1500 | Jewish religion emerges |
. | BC 1220 | Olmec civilization rises in Mexico |
. | BC 800 | Etruscan culture rises in Italy |
. | BC 750 | Sparta rises as military power |
Tharay Kittarar (Srikittra) Pyu City State founded. | BC 1000 | . |
. | 566-480 | Life of Buddha and the emergence of Buddhism |
. | 459-331 | Rise and fall of Persian Empire |
Waytharlee Kingdom founded | BC 518 | . |
. | BC 509 | Monarchy ended in Rome and became a republic |
. | BC 479 | Death of Confucious |
. | BC 250 | Maya civilization emerges |
. | BC 221-214 | Great Wall of China built |
. | BC 51-30 | Reign of Queen Cleopatra VII |
. | 30 | Roman captured Egypt |
. | BC 44 | Julius Ceaser assisinated |
. | 1 AD | Birth of Jesus Christ |
. | 27 | Death of Christ |
. | 100 | Paper invented in China |
. | 330 | Christianity becomes religion of Roman Empire |
. | 476 | Fall of Rome |
Bagan Dynasty began as a city-state. | 107 | . |
. | 571-632 | Life of prophet Mohammed |
. | 800 | Rise of Ghana in W. Africa |
The First Myanmar Empire founded after King Anawrahtar organized the whole country into a single soverign. | 1044-1077 | . |
. | 1066 | William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, defeated Anglo- Saxons and founded today's England, which resulted the birth of English language. |
The earliest Myanmar script carved on stone by Prince Yarza Komer. | 1100 | . |
Bagan Dynasty fall. Many pagodas in Bagan were destroyed as a source of bricks to build forts urgently, in defending Genghis Khan's troops from Mongolia. | 1287 | . |
Founding of the Second Myanmar Empire, Hantharwaddy (Bago) Dynasty | 1287 | . |
. | 1300 | Gunpowder revolution |
Pinya Dynasty founded. | 1309 | . |
Sagaing Dynasty established. | 1315 | . |
Innwa Dynasty founded. | 1364 | . |
TaungNgoo Dynasty established. | 1486 | . |
Founding of the Third Myanmar Empire, Konbaung Dynasty. | 1752 | . |
First Anglo-Burmese War | 1824-26 | . |
. | 1839-42 | First Opium War, China |
Second Anglo-Burmese War, where General Bandoola died. King Mindon nationalized petroleum production. | 1852 | . |
Industrial revolution took place during King Mindon's reign. Sent fact-finding missions and trainees to the West. | 1853-1878 | . |
. | 1868-1912 | Industrial revolution broke out in Japan during Meiji period. Sent fact-finding missions and trainees to the West. |
The first Myanmar ambassador to Europe, Kinwun Mingyee U Kaung travelled to Europe, with King Mindon's steamer ship called Yaynanyinthar. | 1876? | . |
Third Anglo-Burmese War. Great Britain captured the whole part of Myanmar. | 1885 | . |
David Sime Cargill founded BOC (Burmah Oil Company) investing 1.5 million Sterling pounds, and later up to 18 million pounds. | 1886 | . |
70,000 barrels of petroleum produced. | 1888 | . |
Standard Oil Company, the first American oil company in Myanmar, began its operation. | 1901 | . |
5,000,000 barrels of petroleum produced. | 1910 | . |
. | 1914-18 | The First World War |
. | 1939 | Siam officially changed the country's name to Thailand. |
Drove out British. Japanese invaded | 1940 | . |
Myanmar was the 14th largest petroleum producer in the whole world. | 1915 | . |
. | 1939-45 | The Second World War |
40 million Sterling pounds worth of petroleum-related machineries (including 2 refinery plants) destroyed by the British before their withdrawl to India. | 1942 | . |
. | 1945 | Birth of the United Nations. The first atomic bomb tested. |
Drove out Japanese. Allied Forces came in. General Aung San assasinated. | 1947 | . |
Founding of the Fourth Myanmar Union, Union of Burma, after independence on 4th January from British. Myanmar joined The United Nations as 59th member. | 1948 | The world's first computer invented. |
Revolutionary Council took over | 1962 | . |
Became a socialist republic. The flag changed. The emblem changed. The national anthem unchanged. | 1974 | The first personal computer by Altair launched, followed by another version by Apple, 1977. |
SLORC took over. The first multi-purpose .language software "Ava Burmese Font" for Macintosh by John Okell. | 1988 | . |
The name of the country, Burma changed to Myanmar | 1989 | . |
Multi-Party General Elections held in Myanmar. | 1990 | . |
The first multi-purpose. language software "Pioneer Myanmar Font" for MS-Windows by WinMyanmar Systems. | 1992 | . |
The official government website "myanmar.com" launched. | 1994 | The usage of internet began to spread widely to public, and internet revolution began. |
Myanmar joined ASEAN | 1996 | . |
SLORC changed name to SPDC. The first email service became available. | 1997 | . |
. | 2000 | Y2K-problem will disturb older computer systems. |
Birth of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) "mict-park.com.mm" | 2001 |