
The Mons are the principal Burma branch of the Mon-Khmer. Mon Burmar. Pao . Rakhine. Chin. Kachin. Shan and Kayin inhabit the Mon state. In 1983 the population was about 1637.200 and in 1996 the population was 2.4 million. Majority of the inhabitant are Mons and Bamars. Mon state has borders with the Bago division […]

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Maingtha ethnic tribes are known as the Achang or the Nga Ang. They live in Myanmar and China. The population of the Maingtha tribe is about 27.000. In China. they inhabit in the Yunnan Province. Their native language is known as Achang language. Sometimes. they use Chinese characters in writing. They live the northern Shan […]

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The Lisu people are an ethnic group who inhabit in Myanmar. China. Thailand. and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. They are also known as Yawyin or. in a few places Yobin. However. this is a derogatory term meaning ‘savage’ used by the Kachin of the Lisu; and was used by the Chinese of the […]

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Lashi (La Chid)

Lashi (La Chid)

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The Lahu people are an ethnic group of Southeast Asia. They are found in Laos. Vietnam. China and Myanmar. In China. they live in the Yunnan Province and in Vietnam. they live in Lai Chau Province. There are about 20.pp to 60.000 of the Lahu population in this whole region. The Lahu are divided into […]

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The Kokant ethnic group is found to be locating in Panlon and Laukkai in northern Shan State. In 1997. our government encourage them to grow sugar cane and durian a substituted crops for poppy plantation. The durian planted in the area is now exported to China. Since. buckwheat plantation had been introduced for some years. […]

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The Khamu ethnic tribes are mainly found in northern Laos. Myanmar and South-western China. and Thailand. In China. they usually inhabit around the province of Guizhou. The Khamu ethnic tribes are categorized under the Shan ethnic group since most of them live in this part of the country. Some countries do not recognize them as […]

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The Kayin hill tribe villages are mainly concentrated in the mountains and also along the Myanmar-Thai border in the Kayin State. The Kayin people like to settle in the foothills. living in bamboo houses raised on stilts. beneath which they keep their live domestic animals: pigs. chickens. and buffaloes. The Kayin practice monogamy and look […]

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Kayah State is inhabited by Kayah. Kayan or (Padaung) Mono. Kayaw. Yintalei. Gekho. Hheba. Shan. Intha. Bamar. Rakhine. Chin. Kachin.Kayin . Mon and Pao . Kayah State had a population of 158.400 in 1983 and in1996 the estimated population is over 240.000. Kayah State is situated in eastern Myanmar and bounded on the north by […]

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Kaw (Akha-E-Kaw)

Villages of these colorful people are to be found in the mountains of China. Laos. Myanmar and northern Thailand. Now. most of the Akha tribes are living in Kyaing Ton. There are small villages about 50 minutes drive from Kyaing Ton. such as Ho Kyin. Nan Phi Phank. Pang Ma Phai village. Every Akha village […]

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