Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival (Mon State)

The famous legendary Pagoda on the Golden Rock about 160 Km from Yangon and 11 km of hiking from the base camp at Kyaikhto. Visitors can also go by car up to a point about a mile away from the Pagoda. This pagoda is situated on a rocky mountain 3615 ft above sea level. The [...]
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Kayin New Year Festival (Kayin State)

Kayin New Year day is a National Public Holiday in Myanmar. Traditional Kayin costume was worn by most of the celebrants at the events. Many young and old Kayins wear their traditional colourful dresses and go around the city. visit relatives and enjoy the festival. In Hpa An. the capital city of Kayin State. dance […]

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Kakku Pagoda Festival (Shan State)

Myanmar Festivals. Annually in March. on the full moon day of Tabaung (March) which is the last month of the Myanmar lunar calendar. Kakku Pagoda festival takes place. Normally the festival will begin two or three days in advance for this is not just a religious festival but also a social occasion. It is the [...]
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Kahtein Thingan Offering (Country wide)

Kahtein Festival is held annually. after the duration between the Full Moon Day of Thadingyut and the Full Moon Day of Tazaungmone. The Kahtein robe offering and donation of Kahtein tree or the Padaytharpin are also another famous act in Myanmar.

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Kachin Manao Festival (Kachin)

Myanmar Festivals. There are seven states and seven divisions in Myanmar. Among them. Kachin is one of the states. which has a delightful festival known as Manaw. Kachin. the hill people or the Scots of Myanmar. celebrate Manaw festival. It is one of the most popular festivals in Myanmar. The festival is usually held in [...]
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Htamene Festival (Countrywide)

Htamane festival is held between February and March. throughout the whole country. It is made of sticky rice and sesame seeds. One large pan requires 4 small baskets of sticky rice. 20 coconuts. one small basket each of peanut and sesame seeds. 4 kilo of oil. 0.32 kilo of ginger and some salt. Making of [...]
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Hot-air balloon Festival (Taunggyi – Shan State)

Taunggyi is the capital of the Southern Shan State and it lies 1.430 meters above the sea level and has a moderate climate. The most significant festival is the annual Tazaungdine Lighting Festival which is around October and November. Lu Ping festival commonly known as hot balloon festival celebrates by Pa O. one of the […]

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Full Moon Day of Thadingyut (Countrywide)

Festival of Lights (Thadingyut) (Countrywide) Thadingyut is a seven-month of Burmese calendar and the end of lent. Three days of lights festival. namely the day before full moon. the full moon day and the days after. Illuminations are there to celebrate the anniversary of Buddha's return from the celestial abode where He had spent the [...]
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Full Moon Day of Tazaungmone

Tazaungmone Festival (Countrywide). Tazaungmone in Myanmar Calendar is the month of November. It is among the 12 months when the rainy season ends and winter comes in. At that time. in Myanmar. the seasonal Khawei flowers are in full bloom. On the night of full moon day of Tazaungmone. 9.999 candles were lighted and offered […]

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Full Moon Day of Kason

Kason Bo Tree Watering Festival (Countrywide). The month Kason usually falls on May of the English calendar. The month of excessive great. It is the season water in all ponds. lakes and creeks reduces to its lowest level. During the month of Kason the length of the day is longer and the night is shorter. [...]
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