Tawagu Zedidaw lies between 20th and 82nd Streets in Pale-Ngweyaung Ward. Aungmye Thazan Township in Mandalay. King Narapate built the pagoda in 872. The king was on his way to revere the Phayani Zedidaw on board Nagaya Pyissaya white elephant when his dia¬mond ring made radiations. The king. surprised and happy. put the diamond ring in a golden casket of five viss studded with 1200 diamonds. put it on the elephant and sent it out at random.
When it got to a place about 300 feet north of the Phayani Zedidaw. it stopped headed to the north. So the king built a pagoda of 12 cubits there. and named it Tawagu Zedidaw. There a nawarat ring was placed in a golden casket on top of the white elephant heading north. the elephant built with seven treasures on 25 deals of gold.