Mya Zedi Pagoda is located in Myinkaba village. Mya Zedi was built by Prince Raja Kumar. son of King Kyansitthar. in the memory of his queen mother.
Next to the Gubyaukgyi stands the gilded Mya Zedi or ‘Emerald Stupa’. A four-sided pillar in a cage between the two monuments bears an inscription consecrating Gubyaukgyi and written in four languages – Pyu. Mon. Old Burmese and Pali. Its linguistic and historical significance is great since it establishes the Pyu as an important cultural influence in early Bagan and relates the chronology of the Bagan kings. The inscription was about the Prince Rajakumar’s feelings towards his father and the choice of the heir to the throne.

Prince Raja Kumar was the son of King Kyatsitthar. who had a lawful right to be the successor king. But the father King Kyansitthar didn’t know he had a son. until after he had crowned his grandson (his daughter’s son). He lived his whole life as just as a prince.
When Prince Raja Kumar’s mother. the former queen. died. he donated all his mother’s jewelery and 4 villages to Buddha by building a pagoda. namely Mya Zedi. He engraved the following stone inscription near the pagoda. He also donated all his slaves to this pagoda in order to take care of it. The Mya Zedi stone inscription is well-known among most locals. Mya Zedi stone inscription. also known as Raja Kumar’s stone inscription. was engraved in 4 language as in Myanmar. Mon. Pali. and Pyu on 4 sides of a stone.

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Gubyaukgyi temple is in an Indian style. the monument consists of a large shrine room attached to a smaller antechamber. The fine stuccowork on its exterior walls is in particularly good condition.