The Laungbanpyauk Pagoda stands at a distance of 500 feet to the Mokseiktaw. Minkhaungraza built the pagoda in 1525 A.D. Two walls surround it. The outer surface of the inner wall is decorated with fine designs and is formed by stones projecting an inch out of the wall; at the center of each is a rosette. containing eight colored clay tablets of red. yellow. blue. and green alternately. with a white center. The diameter of the ornament is 1′ 8″. An opening in the east and one from the west lead to a platform raised about 6 feet above the level of surrounding ground. The massive stone pagoda at the center is an octagonal pyramid; each side measures at the base 33 feet and rises in ever-receding tiers to a height of about 120 feet (at present only 75 feet remains.).
On the first tier. at the middle of each of the eight sides. originally-stood a porch consisting of two square pillars forming the sides of the porch. Each niche contains an image of the Buddha. The outer surface of the appendage displays an exquisite pattern of carving in stone. The design is so fine and outstanding that well-known architects have recorded it in detail.