
The art of tapestry or “Shwe Chi Hto” (gold embroidery) as we call it. is said to have originated in Myanmar about a thousand years ago. It is a form of needlework to create a variety of pictures and patterns so delicate and detailed that it requires skill. artistry and patience. It is a highly […]

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Myanmar silver smith workshops are manufacturing silverware such as Boxes. Plates. Cups. Baskets. Bowl. Ceremonial Bowl. Sling Bags. miniature Bullock cart with two oxen. Spoon. Fork and Knife and Bangle. Bracelet. Earring. Ring. Brooch. Belt etc. All of them are made by hand. No machines are used. The value of the silverware is depending on […]

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Silk Weaving

Myanmars proudly wear hand-woven silk materials at auspicious occasions. Myanmar turban. Myanmar jacket and silk longyi are worn by Myanmar men while intricate acheik designs woven with over 100 silk threads such as plain silk blouses and silk shawls are proudly worn by Myanmar ladies. Although the colours and patterns of silk-woven materials have changed […]

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About 2000 years ago the Pyu people. a Tibeto-Burman tribe settled in the upper part of Myanmar. their first capital established in Sriksetra near present day Pyay. Since the city was located near the great Ayeyarwaddy River. the economic and strategic use for migrating the pots became an important role at that time. Around the […]

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Myanmar Arts

10 Myanmar Traditional Arts There are 10 Myanmar traditional arts which are metaphorically called “Ten Flowers”. Panbe ( the art of blacksmith ) Panbu ( the art of sculpture ) Pantain ( the art of gold and silver smith ) Pantin( the art of bronze casting ) Pantaut ( the art of making floral designs […]

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Myanmar mosaic art was off to a good start by the time of the Bagan period. as scholars and researchers. now testify. Historians also agree. This noble art is seen mainly on royal and religious items and buildings. But sometimes mosaic is also used in artifacts and household objects of the common lay people to […]

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More about Lacquerware

Myanmar Lacquerware has a long tradition and the art of Lacquerware had existed mainly at Bagan. central part of Myanmar in 11th to 13th century A.D. Lacquer in Myanmar is called “Thitsi” meaning the sap of a Thitsi Tree (Melanhorrea Usitata) which is native to Southeast Asia. In China and Japan the tree from which […]

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Lotus Weaving Textile

The (NYMPHAECEAE) is a family of water plants which includes the water lilies. the sacred lotus (Nelumbo). and the spectacular Queen Victoria water lily (victoria amagorica). It is a family of 8 genera and about 90 species in fresh waters throughout most of the world. Where there are ponds. lakes and streams. water lilies will […]

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Methods used by gem cutters have hardly changed in hundreds of years. but in Myanmar. the development of the gem industry means there are now more companies exporting expertly cut gems out of the country. The lapidary (someone who is skilled in cutting and polishing jewel and valuable stones) has become all – important be […]

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Gold foil making

In Myanmar. gold-leaves are widely sold at the famous pagodas to gild the Buddha image or stupa with gold-leaf. This is the Myanmar tradition for meritorious deeds. These gold-leaves are originally make in Mandalay. Mandalay’s gold-leaf makers are concentrated in the south-east of the city. near the intersection of 36th and 78th Sts. Sheets of […]

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