Kawthaung. the southern most town in Myanmar (800 km from Yangon and 2.000 km from the country’s most northern tip). formerly known as Victoria Point. is one of the entry ports into Myanmar and is only separated from Thailand by a broad estuary in the Pakchan River. Across the river is the border town of Ranong. Thailand.
Ranong is 120 miles North of Phuket. Visitors from Ranong could take a 30 minutes boat trips to Kawthaung for sightseeing and shopping. There are regular flights from Yangon to Kawthaung. Entry visas. valid for 28 days. and Border Passes are issued at Kawthaung. The main business of Kawthaung is trade with Thailand. fishing. rubber and cashew nuts. Most Kawthaung residents speak Burmese and Thai. Kawthaung’s bustling waterfront is lined with teashops. stores and shops arranging boat charters to Thailand for visitors and traders. Duty Free Shops and a few restaurants in the Burmese palace replica building is located in front of the Kawthaung harbor. A huge bronze statue of King Bayintnaung. one of the great Myanmar kings. out-fitted in full battle regalia with brandishing a sword stands at the crest of a hill on the cape. A spectacular sea and island view from a hilltop pagoda known as the Three Mile Pagoda is located in a fishing village five kilometers north of town.