Legyun Simee Pagoda was built atop the mountain in Myeik. Taninthayi Division. by Sayadaw Ashin Zagaya. enshrining three Buddha relics accompanying gold. silver and bronze replicas. in a structure 18 cubits wide and 32 cubits high. in Sakarit 1093.
In 1123. the pagoda was rebuilt by Mayor Udain Kyaw appointed by King Naungdawgyi. son of Alaung Mintaya U Aung Zeya. It was consecrated by Vice-Mayor Khemaraza in 1130.
It was dubbed a Buddha ordination Hall in 1140 by U Zagara. In 1147. King Bodaw sent five Sanghas with a set of tipitakas who then preordained the hall on the mountain. That very year U Zaraga extended the pagoda and it was since known as Legyun Simee Pagoda. It is also known as the golden ordination hall pagoda.