Naga are known to be ascended from Tibet-Myanmar ethnic races. They usually live in the northern part of Myanmar near the India-Myanmar border. To be exact. they mostly live in the valley regions of Patkwai. They can also be found in Khantee. Lashee. Lahel and Nanyun of Sagain Township.
There are about 64 races of this ethnic tribe. They usually make their villages at above 3000 or 4000 feet above sea level. They grow crop and hunt for their living. The new year is at January 14 and 15. The main idea of celebrating new year is to enjoy the feast of the gone year and to welcome a better year of harvest.
The Chin and the Naga compose about 3 % of the population of Myanmar. Most of Naga people live in India. such as Naga Land of northwest India. states of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. On Myanmar side of the border live much smaller population of some 100.000 Nagas. They spread around western Sagaing Division. from Patkoi range in north to Thaungdyat in south. from Indian border in west to River Chindwin in east.