The Pao people are one of the ethnic minority groups in Shan State with a population of 60.000. The Christian population among Pao people is less than 1% as they are deeply rooted in Buddhism. They have the New Testament in their own language translated by the missionary in 1961. There is the real need not only for the Pao Christian but also to the non-believers Pao people with the language they can read and understand clearly.
One of our brethrens. Pa-O nationals live in Nant Bay village forming a long stretch of dwellings in Southern Shan State and lies between two mountain ranges running from south to north. There are over 100 houses built with Cherry and pinewood but some are with giant bamboos and every house is fenced. Thatch is used mostly for roofing but some use zinc sheets. As those houses have long legs. buffalos and cows can be bred under them. Nant Bay villagers live completely relying on mountain torrents. which continuously flow in the region.
Water from those torrents is saved in a particular place. When the water is let to flow. the strong water force runs the water wheel and 25 KVA hydroelectric power can be generated on self-reliant basis. Some villagers collect water at their houses and grind rice and grain using water wheels. As Nant Bay Village is situated in a wide valley where agriculture is favourable. So. not only the main staple rice but also garlic and pigeon pea are grown well. For agriculture. rainwater is also essential. Therefore. every July. Nant Bay villagers use to wish for rains in their traditional way. In Myanmar. such kind of occasion is called Moe Kyoe Pwe. the rain welcoming ceremony.