Xylophone or Pattalar

The Bamboo Xylophone (or) the Pattalar that is known in Myanmar language as an ancient musical instrument with the sound box underneath. with the seven graduated keys. it can produce melodious and unique sounds to the ears. Later on. ten keys were added and nowadays. 24 keys are being used. The name pattalar means a […]

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Other musical instruments

Crescent Saing: a series of brass/copper gongs. framed in a crescent shape. SHAN OSI (SHAN LONG DRUM) Stone Drum: This actually is not a musical instrument. We just present it to you for its peculiarity. Isn’t it so strange to find a drum made of stone? You can ring it. It is somewhat a flat […]

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Myanmar Orchestra or Myanma Saing Waing

The musical ensemble called “Saing Waing” in Myanmar is the sense of an Orchestra from the western countries. The entire fencing is made of teak or lacquer ware and is gilded. This is considered as more professional. formal and mostly played indoors. It is composed of 21 drums (pat-lone) arranged in a rounded order. where […]

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Maha Gita or Classical Music of Myanmar

The complete body of Myanmar classical songs is usually referred to as. the “Maha Gita.” meaning great or royal song. The repertoire is also sometimes referred to as “Thachin Gyi.” or great songs. These were the songs of the royal Myanmar courts and form the basis of Myanmar classical music. The Maha Gita repertoire is […]

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Harp or Saung

A “harp” is called Saung in Myanmar. There basically was 2 types: Byat Saung and Saung Gauk (bent harp). There almost is nobody who can play byat saungs these days. Today saung generally refers to the bent harp illustrated above. In 10th century AD. musicians used only 5 strings in Myanmar harp. which later increased […]

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Flute or Hne

Hne (or) Oboe is one of our traditional wind instruments in Myanmar. It has been used in Myanmar since ancient time and is created by using a metal horn. a wooden flute and a palm reed. The oboe is a double-reed woodwind instrument having a high pitch. penetrating tone among other musical instruments that is […]

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Concert or Myanmar Zatpwe

Zat; story: pwe; show: zat-pwe; Myanmar musical play: mintha; male lead: minthami; female lead: ngo-gyin; wailing song: nha-par-thwar. duet dance and song: lun-khan. tragic scene. There is no nation on the face of the earth so fond of fun and laughter and theatrical entertainment as the Myanmar. For a Myanmar. from the moment he is […]

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