Harkhar – Chin State

Hakhar is the capital of Chin State in Myanmar. The city is 6120 ft above sea level and it lies at the foot of Rungtlang (Mount Rung), which is about 7543 ft high, and is one of the most famous and beautiful mountain peaks in the Chin State.   January is the coldest month of […]

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Chin State

Chin State is a state of Myanmar. Its capital is Hakhar. There are 14 townships in the Chin State: Cikha, Hakha, Falam, Kanpalet, Matupi, Rezua, Mindat, Paletwa, Rihkhuadar, Thantlang, Teddim, Tuithang and Tonzang. To the north and east of Chin State is Sagaing Division, to the south are Magway Division and Rakhine State, to the […]

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Thandaung – Kayin State

A Peaceful Hill Resort in the Kayin State. Thandaung was also developed as a hill resort from Victorian times by the British. Thandaung is a romantic place. It is in the Kayin State and is inhabited mainly by the lovable and simple Bwe Kayin (Karen) people who are mostly Christians. Like many of the picturesque […]

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Shwe-yin-myaw Pagoda

Shwe Yin Myaw Pagoda is situated in Theinseik Village. Thaton Township. Kayin State. Buddha went on sojourn to Thuwunna Bhumi Thaton for the third time in Maha Sakarit 128. Buddha and all the Sangha were waited with bated breath by the king and queen of Thaton at the place and marked with the building of […]

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Myawaddy is a border town between Myanmar and Thailand. It is connected to Mae Sot on the other side of the border. The border immigration between the two countries arranges the day-pass near the border.   The Myawaddy market is full of all kinds of clothes, household goods, and vegetables were for sale. There is […]

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Lunnya Pagoda – Kayin State

It lies in Indu Circle, Pa-an Township, Kayin State. It was built by Arahant Marainda in 400 under the reign of King Thuwunna in Thaton (Thuwunna Bhumi). It is also called Tharaninga (Shwe Yaung Ya) Pagoda. The place has 55 pagodas. There is also a magic well believed to have some connections with the Lunnya […]

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Kayin State

Kayin State is an administrative division of Myanmar and also known as Karen State. The capital city is Hpa-an. The Karen people in Myanmar are Christian, Buddhist and animist. Most Christian Karens are Baptists. It has common borders with Mandalay Division and Shan State on the north, Kayah State and Thailand on the east, Mon […]

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Hpa An – Kayin State

Hpa-an is a capital of Kayin State. Recently removed from the restricted list of travel destinations. Possible to reach it by road from Yangon across a new Bridge ( Thanlwin ) over the Thanlwin River. Hpa-an is small town but busy commerce center you can see farmer coming to town in horsecarts or trishaws stacked […]

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Thiri Mingala Hill (Taunggwe) Pagoda – Kayah State

The cluster lies in the south of Loikaw, Kayah State, atop Thirri Mingala Hill, that has nine peaks on nine broken hills. It was called Mingala Hill, Phawmye in Kayah, Taunggwe in Myanmar, and Loi Pha Phat in Shan.   It is 387 feet high. There are pagodas on the nine hillocks named Pyilone Chantha, […]

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Loikaw – Kayah State

Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state, just one hour’s flight from Yangon, but it may take much longer by road. As everyone may know well by now, Myanmar abounds with pagodas, temples, stupas, caves, verily sacred landmarks of Buddhism the predominant faith of the majority of the populace. In as much as these revered landmarks […]

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