The Gem Museum

The Gem Museum Located in Zabuthri Township. Nay Pyi Taw. The large area of upstairs museum decorated with large wall glasses and beautiful and wonderful decorations in modern designs. In Gems Museum. precious jewels such as ruby and sapphire. quality jade lots and the largest pearl in Myanmar are put on display. Normally. it opens […]

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Hotels in Naypyitaw

AUREUM PALACE HOTELS & RESORTS Hotel Zone. Hotel No. 1. Nay Pyi Taw. Mandalay Division. Myanmar. Tel: (+95-67) 414110~16 Email: [email protected] Website: Golden Guest Hotel N0.(5) Hotel Zone. Nay Pyi Taw. Myanmar. Tel: (+95-67) 414158 ~ 62. 420771. 420772 Fax: (+95-67) 414163 The Hotel Amara No. (11). Yarza Htarne Road. Hotel Zone. Nay Pyi Taw.. […]

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Handicrafts, souvenir shops

Handicrafts, souvenir shops in Inle Lake

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Mya Zedi Pagoda

Mya Zedi Pagoda is located in Myinkaba village. Mya Zedi was built by Prince Raja Kumar. son of King Kyansitthar. in the memory of his queen mother.   Next to the Gubyaukgyi stands the gilded Mya Zedi or ‘Emerald Stupa’. A four-sided pillar in a cage between the two monuments bears an inscription consecrating Gubyaukgyi […]

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Nanpaya Temple

Nanpaya Temple was built in the 12th Century this attractive pagoda is a combination of sandstone and brick. particularly noteworthy is the elegant perforated stone windows. The four primary stone pillars in the central sanctuary illustrate the Hindu god Brahma. It was built by King Narapatti Sithu’s son-in-law. Naga Thaman. He was also the grandson […]

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Nagayon Temple

The Nagayon Temple is located in the southern part of Myinkaba. In the south of Myinkaba. Nagayon. was built at the end of the 11th century by Kyansitthar. according to the plan of Ananda; even roof. same terraces. very stupas. even Sikkhara. Of Môn style. it resembles the Indian temples of the area of Orissa. […]

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Myoe Daung Kyaung

Myoe Daung Kyaung or Myo Daung Monastery means the Monastery at the corner of the city. It was the main monastery building in Bagan. with an east-west orientation. is approximately 130 ft. x 115 ft. Most of its significant elements are from the pre-colonial Kon-baung period. some of the rooms apparently are later. Its glory […]

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Where to visit

OLD BAGAN   Ananda Temple Ananda Oakkyaung Thatbyinnyu Gadawtpalin Shwesandaw Bu Pagoda Dhammayangyi Mingalarzedi Mahabodhi Pahtothamya Tharabar Gate Myoe Daung Monastery Bagan Museum Shwegugyi   MYINKABA Manuha Abeyadana Gubyaukgyi Nagayone Mya Zedi Nanpaya Seinnyet Nyima Paya & Seinnyet Ama   NYAUNG U & WETKYI-IN VILLAGE Shwezigon Hgnet Pyit Taung Sapada Zedi Upali Thein Htilominlo Ahlodawpyae […]

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Upali Thein

There were also many ordination halls. called Thein in Myanmar. from the Pali. Sima. They were used not only for the ordination ceremony itself. but also for other such ceremonies as the confession by monks. The Upali Thein has a long central nave with a ridge roof and a pair of side aisles with lean-to […]

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Thuhtay Mokgu Pagoda

Thuhtay Mokgu Pagoda is a temple situated on the north-east of Shwezigon Pagoda. It has a double vaulted corridors and a sikhara. The earthquake of 1975 brought down the sikhara and the upper vaulted corridor. The Pagoda faces east.   There are mural paintings in the devotional hall of the first storey. Like other temples. […]

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