Pyin Oo Lwin

Pyin Oo Lwin is located on the western bank of the river Ayeyarwaddy. approximately 7 miles north of Mandalay. Over 1000 metres above sea-level. Pyin Oo Lwin is a popular hill station about 69km away from Mandalay.   It is well known for its colonial style houses with large compound and pine trees. eucalyptus and […]

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Zina Man Aung Pagoda

Zina Man Aung Pagoda is known to be one of the five most revered “Mann” paya of Mrauk U. This Pagoda is known to be one of the five most revered pagodas in Mrauk U. The five revered “Man” payas of Mrauk U are Lawka Man Aung. Zina Man Aung. Sakkya Man Aung. Mingalar Man […]

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Yadanar Pon Pagoda

Yadanar Pon Pagoda was built in A.D 1612. and was donated by King Min Khamaung and Queen Shin Htwe. The pagoda is located on the northern part of Andaw Thein. There are lots of architectural remaining of Mrauk U time.   There are seventeen smaller pagodas around the main pagoda. Each one was donated by […]

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Yadanar Man Aung Pagoda

Yadanar Man Aung Pagoda is known to be one of the five most revered “Man” paya of Mrauk U. This Pagoda is known to be one of the five most revered pagodas in Mrauk U. The five revered “Man” payas of Mrauk U are Lawka Man Aung. Zeenat Man Aung. Sakkya Man Aung. Mingalar Man […]

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You can find many wondrous places in various part of the world and Myanmar is no exception. One of these is the Snake Pagoda. situated at the town of Paleik. which is 15 miles from Mandalay.   Palate is situated approximately 30 minutes by car from Mandalay. There is a famous pagoda in town. which […]

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Where to visit

Andaw Pagoda Lemyathnar Pagoda Shitthaung Pagoda Sanda Muni Pitakataik Koethaung Pagoda Dukkanthein Mrauk U Museum Shwedaung Pagoda Zina Man Aung Pagoda Yadanar Pon Pagoda The Palace Site Lawka Man Aung Pagoda Mingalar Man Aung Pagoda Sakkyar Man Aung Pagoda Yadanar Man Aung Pagoda Laungbanpyauk Pagoda Pagodas around Mrauk U   Shittthaung Pagodas. Ananda Sandra Pillar. […]

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The palace site

Before visiting any other place in Mrauk U priority should be given to the ruins of the inner palace city where the Royal palace once stood magnificently. The place is surrounded by three wall encirclements. When Mong Saw Mon started buildings the palace. underground canals were first dug. then stone walls were erected and finally […]

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The Laungbanpyauk Pagoda

The Laungbanpyauk Pagoda stands at a distance of 500 feet to the Mokseiktaw. Minkhaungraza built the pagoda in 1525 A.D. Two walls surround it. The outer surface of the inner wall is decorated with fine designs and is formed by stones projecting an inch out of the wall; at the center of each is a […]

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Shwedaung Pagoda

The Shwe Daung Pagoda or the “Golden Hill Pagoda” is also believed to have been built by King Minbin between the years 1531-1553. It is a landmark pagoda as it is the tallest in this area and can be seen as far away as 20 miles from the main Kaladan River. The hill itself is […]

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Shittaung Pagoda

Shitthaung or “temple of the 80.000 Buddhas” located about half a mile to the north of the palace site was built by one of the most powerful kings of the Mrauk U Dynasty. called by the people. Minbargyi. It is an ancient temple. in Mrauk U of northern Rakhine state. Myanmar. History According to records […]

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