Leimyathna Temple

The Leimyethna temple. the “Temple of the Four Faces”. is a beautiful example of a single-storeyed temple built in the Late Style. Resting on a platform. the temple is square in plan. with porches projecting on all four sides. and with the main entrance in the east. The superstructure consists of receding terraces. with crenellated […]

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Lawkananda Pagoda

The Lawkananda pagoda was built by King Anawrahta during his reign in 1059. The pagoda has enshrined the Buddha’s tooth relic in Bagan. The pagoda is erected on the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River.   During the ancient days. with the power of Bagan Dynasty. the Mon region. Rakhine and even as far as Sri […]

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Kyaukgu Umin

Kyaukgu Umin is situated about 2 miles to the east of Nyaung U town. It is one of the four monuments in Bagan built of stone brick. Kyaukgu Umin meaning the stone cave translated in Myanmar language. On the upper reaches of the wall are stone sculptures of ogres clutching floral garlands. below are triangle […]

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Kyanzittha U Min

Kyanzittha U Min of the three Kyanzittha U Mins located around Shwezigon Pagoda. the one mentioned here is on the west side. U Min means tunnel. It is constructed partly above ground and partly underground. Facing north. it used to have a Dhamma Sala (preaching hall) at its entrance.   On the south. there are […]

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Monywa is a city in central Myanmar and situated on the eastern bank of the Chindwin Rive. Mandalay Division. It lies 136 km north-west of Mandalay along the Mandalay-Budalin branch railway line. Monywa serves as a major trade center for India and Burma through Kalay Myo road and Chindwin river.   The name Monywa comes […]

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Mogok. where most of priceless Gems are mined. lies in a beautiful mountain valley. 128 miles to the north-east of Mandalay. and 60 miles to the east of Ayeyarwady river.   Mogok. where most of priceless Gems are mined. lies in a beautiful mountain valley. 128 miles to the north-east of Mandalay. and 60 miles […]

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Mingun is located on the western bank of the river Ayeyarwaddy. approximately 7 miles north of Mandalay. It is reached by ferryboats across the river and takes 1 hour for up-river and 40 minutes for down-river. It is famous for many Buddhist shrines. monasteries. meditation centres and monuments of historical and cultural importance. A boat […]

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Inwa (Ava)

Inwa was formerly known as Ava and it is located 21km from Mandalay. Inwa was also known as Yadana Pura. It was first founded as a capital by King Thado Minbya in 1364 A.D. It is the confluence of the Ayeyarwaddy & Myint Nge rivers. But the king had a canal dug to join the […]

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Around Mandalay

Amarapura Mingun Monywa Inwa Pyin Oo Lwin Mogok Sagaing Shwebo Palate   U Bein Bridge in Amarapura is a tourist destination near Mandalay. Across the Ayeyarwaddy River. on the west side. lies the Great Mingun Pahtodawgyi and Mingun Bell. Crossing the Ayeyarwaddy River is another exciting feature. Pyin Oo Lwin is the City of Flowers […]

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Amarapura lies on the left bank of the Ayarwaddy River. A suburb of Mandalay. it is also known as Taung-myo (Southern Town) or Myohaung (Old City). Founded by King Bodawpaya in 1783 as his new capital. Amarapura means City of Immortality. Amarapura was the capital city of Myanmar. during the Konbaung Dynasty. It was founded […]

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