Special Thingyan meal

This special menu is from the Mon State. and is served only during the period of “Thingyan.” the Myanmar Water Festival that ushers in the Myanmar New Year. It consists of specially prepared rice. crisply fried shreds of dried fish with a generous sprinkling of fried onions and a salad of green mangoes. The Mon […]

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Silver Rice

Sticky rice is not generally eaten as the main component of a complete meal with curry dishes and a soup . In the highlands one may be served rice which is sticky. But this is not the sticky rice of the plains. It is rice which happens to contain a higher percentage of gluten than […]

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Shwe Kyi Pudding

Ingredients ½ lb shwe kyi ½ lb sugar 3 eggs 1 coconut ¼ lb margarine Directions Scrape the coconut & extract the milk with one cup of hot water. Beat up the eggs and mix all ingredients together. Cook till it thickest. When cooked. place in a dish and bake till brown.

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Shan soaked noodle

Myanmar offers a variety of noodle dishes: friend noodles. noodles in broth. noodles in starch soup. coconut milk noodles Chinese Muslim style and noodle salad. But an indigenous dish of noodles is ganing in popularity. It is Shan “soaked noodles” which come either in the wet type or dried. The Shan noodle base is the […]

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How to get there

Bus and Express There are Daily Expresses from Yangon and other major cities. Car One can hire a car from a car rental agency or from a travel agent. Different types of cars, coach seaters are available. Train The nearest train station of Bagan is Thazi and it can be reached from taking the trains […]

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Shan fish tomato

Customarily the end of monsoon in Myanmar heralds an ideal climate stretching to around six to eight months for travel. The rainy season has ended as the cold season begins. The sky is clear and sunny and the weather is cool. Of course it is cooler in the hilly regions in the upper reaches of […]

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Seaweed Jelly

Ingredients 2 ounces dry seaweed agar 2 cups sugar 2 medium or 1 ½ pounds Coloring grated coconut How to cook Soak agar in water 2 hours ahead to swell. Grate coconuts. Put grated coconut Into a clean wet cloth and squeeze pure cream from it. Keep this pure cream separately. Extract pure coconut milk […]

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Savoury Chicken

Myanmar “athoke” is rendered as “salad”. However. it is more various and diverse than what is generally understood as salad. There are the fruit salad. the leaf salad. the fish salad. the meat salad. the many kinds of noodle salad. and to top it all. there is the “rice hand-mixed salad”. popular. readily available. easily […]

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Rakhine Mone-Ti

Rakhine nationals on the Bay of Bengal coast have a special way of making mohinga. the national dish. It is cooked different. served different. tastes different and is consumed different. It is worthy of its different name. Rakhine mone-ti. It may be enjoyed as a mixed salad accompanied by a soup or as noodles in […]

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Pumpkin Soup

PUMPKIN LEAF SOUP WITH DRIED SHRIMPS Ingredients 4 cups tender pumpkin leaves 1 ½ teaspoons salt and stalks 1/2 cup powdered dried shrimps 1 small onion 1/3 teaspoon pepper 4 garlic cloves A few sprigs pinsein (Indian Basil) 5 cups water How to cook Prepare leaves by breaking off 2 or 3 long sprigs of […]

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