
There are about half a million Wa living in the isolated hills of northeast Myanmar (Burma). Up until the early 1970’s. their tradition of inter-clan headhunting kept outsiders away and the Wa themselves fragmented. The communists. who dominated the area during 22 years of civil war with the government. curtailed the headhunting and gave them […]

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Taron tribes are inhabited at the foot hill of the Mt. Khakaborazi. in the Himalaya mountain ranges. Ages ago Taron people of average 110 cm height were seen here. Unfortunately today there remains only one genuine Taron-blood man and the tribe is almost vanishing. Village of Taphungdan has no genuine Taron anymore yet there live […]

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Shans reside in the Eastern plateau. The Shan State of Myanmar occupy principally the plateau east of the Ayeyawady and Sittaung valleys. south of the Bhamo district and north of Kayah State.Shan are settling in valleys and river basins. Most of the Danu. Taungyoe. Intha (Ansa). and Bamar are living in the western part of […]

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Salon. a group living part of the time on a few littoral area on the fringes of the Andaman sea and part of the time on their boats. wondering about among the Islands of the Myeik Archipelago in a nomadic existence that has caused them to become known as the sea gypsies. The other mankind […]

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A tribe of the Rawang people who live around the conjunction of Burma. India. and China. There are only about 20-30.000 Rawang. They have long been primarily hunters and gatherers. but nowadays they also grow rice. serve as porters. and mine for gold and jade. The men mostly had a twig or thorn in the […]

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Rakhines reside in western Rakhine coast. they are closely related to Burmese proper. though their form of Burmese language varies from the language of the Ayeyawady Valley. notably in the retention of the ‘R’sound which in Burmese proper has been replaced by ‘Y’. By religion they are Buddhists. Total populations over 2 million and Sittway […]

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The Palaungs. who mainly live in the Kalaw area in Shan State. belong to the Mon-Khmer stock. It takes about two to four hours through the hills to the village of the Palaung tribe. At first a steep track leads down into a narrow valley where the Palaung cultivate cheroot. tea. damsons and mangoes on […]

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The Pao people are one of the ethnic minority groups in Shan State with a population of 60.000. The Christian population among Pao people is less than 1% as they are deeply rooted in Buddhism. They have the New Testament in their own language translated by the missionary in 1961. There is the real need […]

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Naga are known to be ascended from Tibet-Myanmar ethnic races. They usually live in the northern part of Myanmar near the India-Myanmar border. To be exact. they mostly live in the valley regions of Patkwai. They can also be found in Khantee. Lashee. Lahel and Nanyun of Sagain Township. There are about 64 races of […]

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Myanmar People

Myanmar is a union of 135 ethnic groups with their own languages and dialects. The major races are the Kachin. the Kayah. the Kayin. the Chin. the Mon. the Bamar. the Rakhine. and the Shan. The name Myanmar embraces all the ethnic groups. Composition of the Different Ethnic Groups under the 8 Major National Ethnic […]

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