The Land of Human Origin
Pondaung Primate Pondaung is a geographical region in Myanmar lying partly in the Sagaing and partly in Magway Divisions. It has become well known world wide due to the discovery of fossilized remains of anthropoid primate some years back by both Myanmar and foreign geologists. Teams of experts on the subject from the United States. […]
Rulers of Myanmar
Kings and Queens Commissioners and Governers Head of State and Government
Myanmar History

Myanmar Empires
Throughout Myanmar’s long history. depending on the outlook of leadership. economic strength. and military might. Myanmar Empire grew and shrank a couple of times in this region. which is now China. India. Bangladesh. Laos. and Thailand. About A.D 1500 me1500 About A.D 1580 About A.D 1800 About A.D 1822 About A.D 1856
Kingdoms of Myanmar
A total of 16 kingdoms or dynasties existed in Myanmar. Here is a list of them and their locations. BEIKTHANO PYU CITY STATE Located in middle part of Myanmar at the north of Kookogwa Village. 11 miles north of Taung Dwingyee. THUWUNNA BONMI (RAMANYA) CITY STATE (AD 100) Located in southern Myanmar near Beelin. at […]
How the West knew Myanmar
Myanmar was known to the West ever since western explorers had heard of it. Marko Polo was the earliest known westerner who discovered Myanmar and introduced to the West. About 1544 About 1587 About 1678 About 1685 About 1688 About 1705 About 1808 About 1842
Bygone Leaders of Myanmar
Name Reign King Anawrahta 1044-77 King Wareru 1287-96 King Narameikhla 1404-34 King Tabinshwehti 1531-50 King Bayinnaung 1551-81 King Nanda 1581-99 King Binnya Dala 1747-57 King Alaungpaya 1752-60 King Hsinbyushin 1763-76 King Bodawpaya 1782-1819 King Bagyidaw 1819-1837 General Maha Bandoola (Bandula) 1824-26 King Tharrawaddy 1837-46 King Mindon 1853-1878 King Thibaw 1853-78 Sayar San 1930-32 General Aung […]
Myanmar Language
One might wonder to know that 45 million people speak 111 languages in Myanmar. Majority of Myanmars speak Myanmar language. Alphabets Numerals Numerical Representation According to our traditional astronomy, all alphabets have its each numerical values: Myanmar Sorting Method Sorting in Myanmar language is no easy job. 33 alphabets in 5 levels. The sorting algorithm […]