Umin Thonsel Pagoda

Umin Thonsel Pagoda was built by a Sayardaw named Padugyi Thangayaza (though the date was given variously as 687. 1005. 1050 and 1085). It lies on Sagaing Hills. He was one reputed to have made silver and gold by alchemy.   It was called Umin Thonsel or the 30 caves pagoda to mark Buddha’s ten […]

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Umin Koesel Pagoda

Umin Koesel Pagoda was built by King Mingaung of Innwa. Umin Koesel in Myanmar language means. 90 caves pagoda.   The pagoda was originally named Sinpho-hlai Phaya. It was so named because the king was on his way to Ashin Ariyawuntha around the place when the royal elephant ate bodhi leaves and fainted. So the […]

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The Ruby Pagoda

It lies on the highest of the 37 hilltops of Sagaing Hills.It was recorded as having been built by King Thiri Dhamma Thawka in Sasana Sakarit 218 and renovated by Thiri Thaddhama Thenapati in Sakarit 776. It was also recorded as having been built by a little known peasant woman who picked up a highly […]

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Taung Philar Pagoda

Taung Phi Lar Pagoda was built by Taung-phi-lar Sayadaw (Mu-nain-da-go-sa Maha-Thera) in 1003. This Pagoda enshrines the Sayardaw’s own writings of Pali. Ahtakatha and Nissaya literature. He was a Sayardaw who received the title of Tipitaka Lankara and King Thalun. donor of Yazamani Kaunghmudaw. was his patron.   The Pagoda lies on the ridge that […]

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Shwe Kyet Yet Pagoda

Shwe Kyet Yet Pagoda lies on Shwe Kyet Yet Hill. also known as Mandagiri while embryo Buddha was reborn a king of chicken in his early lives. It is one of the 84.000 pagodas built by King Thiri Dhamma Thawka in Sakarit 218.   It was renovated by King Anawrahta in 411 and Narapate Sithu […]

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Shwe Gu Ni Phaya

Shwe Gu Ni Buddha Image lies in Kyaukka village ten miles east of Monywa Township in Sagaing Division. It was one of the 34.000 pagodas built by King Thin Dharnma Thawka. At that time Kyaukka was known as Kyaukthan and it was known as Myo-Oo Athawka pagoda at the head of the city.   A […]

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Shwe Bo (The Victory Land) – Mandalay Division

Shwe Bo which is famous for glazed pottery works from toys. cups. letters. bowls. pots to huge water jars that are tied in hundreds and floated down the river as rafts. These are widely used throughout the country. Shwebo was the native town of U Aung Zeya. the founder of the Kone Baung Dynasty against […]

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Shinbyu Shinhla Pagoda

Shinbyu Shinhla Pagoda was built by King Alaung Sithu of Bagan in 474. While on tour. the king was presented two Buddha statues by the king of celestials at Zabu Thabye Tree. One was Shinhla statue built with a chip of the platform sat on by Buddha and the other was Shinbyu statue built with […]

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Shin-bin Nan-Oo Pagoda

Shin Bin Nan Oo Pagoda was built in the original name of Ceylon-returnee Pagoda south of Shwe Zedi Yeiktha in Myothit Ward. Sagaing. by a monk who came back from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 606. enshrining the relics brought from there.   It was named Shin-bin Nan-Oo Pagoda by Athinkhaya Saw Yun of Sagaing in […]

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Shin-bin Nan-kaing Pagoda

Shin Bin Nan Kaing Pagoda is situated near Htonbo Ward in Sagaing. It was built by minister Kyan Thaing. who had to look after Shwe Ain Si. the daughter of King Kyansittha. in 420.   But in another version. it was said to be built by Minister Kyan Thaing. right-hand sage to King Sawlu in […]

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