Shin Dat Weh Pagoda

Shin Dat Weh Pagoda is situated in Dawei. Taninthayi Division. It is one of the nine Shins (Shin Koe Shin in Myanmar languaga) of the town. In Sakarit 885. Prince Shin Zan ascended the throne in Aung Thagaya city on the west bank of Dawei River. That very year Shin Arahan came to the city […]

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Pashukyauk Phaya

Pashukyauk Phaya is situated in Saw Wa Village. two furlongs south of Shin Motti Village in Dawei Township of Taninthayi Division. It was built by the king who founded the Motta Thukha Nagara at the triple confluence of Pauk Taing Chaung. Saw Wa Chaung and Kan Bauk Chaung (Dawei River) on the 8th waxing moon […]

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Myeik – Tanintharyi Division

The Myeik archipelago situated on the southern Taninthayi Division of Myanmar (formerly known as Tennesarim coast of Burma. Around and on the east Myeik. there are many valuable tin mines. oil palm plantation. and rubber plantation and evergreen forest. On the Andaman Sea. many valuable Pearl breeding and fishing beds can observe in the sea. […]

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Mergui Archipelago – Tanintharyi Division

The ” Salone “of Myanmar. who called themselves. ” Moken “. are forgotten people who fight for their survival. They adopt their way of life as marine nomads. They are expert in swimming. diving and submerging in the sea —- and hence the names ” Sea – gypsy ” or “Men of the Sea” . […]

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Maungmagan Beach – Mon State

Maungmagan is a beautiful beach in Thanintharyi Division. Maungmagan is a seaside village ten miles from Dawei. Most people in this region are fishermen. Thus the fishermen of Maungmagan are familiar with the majestic sea while happily carrying out fishing skillfully as their living by tradition. Dawei is the capital city of Taninthayi Division in […]

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Legyun Simee Pagoda

Legyun Simee Pagoda was built atop the mountain in Myeik. Taninthayi Division. by Sayadaw Ashin Zagaya. enshrining three Buddha relics accompanying gold. silver and bronze replicas. in a structure 18 cubits wide and 32 cubits high. in Sakarit 1093.   In 1123. the pagoda was rebuilt by Mayor Udain Kyaw appointed by King Naungdawgyi. son […]

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Kawthaung – Tanintharyi Division

Kawthaung. the southern most town in Myanmar (800 km from Yangon and 2.000 km from the country’s most northern tip). formerly known as Victoria Point. is one of the entry ports into Myanmar and is only separated from Thailand by a broad estuary in the Pakchan River. Across the river is the border town of […]

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Dawei – Tanintharyi Division

The Tanintharyi Divisin lies adjacent to Mon State to the north and Thailand to the east. Tanintharyi Division occupies a long narrow coastal plain bounded by the Andaman Sea in the east. which runs to Kawthaung. the most southerly point of Myanmar and which then continues to the Malaya Peninsula.   The coast is dotted […]

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Zetawun Pagoda

Zetawun Pagoda was said to be built by Zeta the King of Ogres on Sagaing Hill. Buddha and younger brother Ananda were on an aerial journey to Sagaing Hill when Buddha met Zeta and 99 ogres and enlightened them about Dhamma. On the way back. Buddha gave Zeta a nether garment. Zeta enshrined it and […]

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Yadanar Sinmyar Shin Phaya

Yadanar Sinmyar Shin Phaya is situated on Shwebo-Monywa motor road in Pabedan Ward in Sagaing. It was built by King Mohnyin of Innwa in 792. enshrining the five relics brought by two monks who came back from Sri Lanka. The original name was Yadana Zedi. In 847 it was damaged by earthquake and repaired by […]

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