Amarapura Pahtodawgyi

Amarapura Pahtodawgyi lies in the north of Taungthaman Inn at Amarapura. South of Mandalay with Buddha relics and gold statues by King Bagyidaw on 15th Waxing moon day of Tagu 1181 ME. It is about 120 cubits high. and it had been repaired by King Tharyawady King Mindon. and the people of the city successively. […]

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Minbu Shwe Settaw – Magwe Division

A pair of Buddha’s Footprints are located in Settawya, a forest retreat at 34 mile distant west of Minbu on the apposite bank of Magwe which is 331 miles from Yangon by road. The Footprints are well preserved and shrines were constructed nearly. The place is known as the Pagoda site of the forest. The […]

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Magwe Region

Magwe Region (also spelt Magway) is a region located in central Myanmar between north latitude 18° 50′ and 22° 47′ and east longitude between 93° 47′ and 95° 55′. It is bordered by Sagaing Region is to its north, Mandalay Region to its east, Bago Region to its south and Rakhine State and Chin State to its west. Magwe Region […]

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Magwe Myathalun Pagoda

Steaming into Magwe, the riverine traveller is greeted by the sight of the Myathalun Pagoda glinting serenely from the summit of the Naguttama hillock hard by the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. Being one of the greatly venerated shrines, and also because Magwe lies midway between the upcountry and the lower parts, its annual festival […]

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Taungoo – Bago Division

Located 175 miles from Yangon and is the only place for the tourists where you can get good accommodation on Yangon-Mandalay road. Taungoo (Kaytumadi City) was founded by King Mingyinyo in 1510 A.D and later innovated by King Minye Kyawhtin. All the four sides of the city wall are still very conspicuously seen, with the […]

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Pawdawmu (Shin Pyin) Pagoda

It lies in Padaung, Bago Division. It was said to be carved out by the nat king from the Buddha’s sacred barge and given to King Alaung Sithu. The king revered it with a Shin Hla image in a cave at Chaukma above Sagaing, after having revered it in the palace. After some 600 years, […]

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Bespectacled Buddha Image

It was built by King Duttabaung, founder of Tharekhitaya Dynasty, at Shwedaung, Bago Division. The king and queens Peikthano and Sanda Dewi had repaired the Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda west of Shwedaung and were having a rest when Queen Peikthano dreamt of a pagoda in the north-west. They looked for the place and found it […]

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Bago Region

Bago Region is an administrative division of Myanmar, located in the southern portion of the country. It is bordered by Magway Region and Mandalay Region to the north; Kayin State, Mon State and the Gulf of Martaban to the east; Yangon Region to the south and Ayeyarwady Region and Rakhine State to the west. It is located between 46°45’N and […]

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Tanintharyi Region

Tanintharyi Region is a division of Myanmar. covering the long narrow southern part of the country on the Kra Isthmus. It borders the Andaman Sea to the west and Thailand to the east. To the north is the Mon State. The capital of the division is Dawei. The other main city is Myeik but pronounced […]

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Shin Motti Phaya

It lies in Dawei. Tanintharyi Division. Shin Maha Arahan. the arahanta. pondered how Buddha sasana would fare in the next 5000 years. Then the Thagyamin. the King of nats. built four statues to represent Kaukasana. Gonagon. Kassapa and Gautama. the four Buddhas that had come in this world of Badda. and on the full moon […]

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