Maha Thetkya Thiha Pagoda

Maha Thakya Thiha Pagoda was built by Bodaw Paya’s grandson King Bagyidaw of Yadanapura Innwa. with the use of 26723 viss of five kinds of metals namely gold. silver. bronze. iron and zinc. in the y$ar 1188. in his 19th year of reign. In the 1209. King Bagan and his queen had it moved from […]

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Shin Boh Mai Phaya

Shin Boh Mai Paya was built by Queen Shin Boh Mai of the Kingdom of Inn-wa in Sakarit 792 at what was then called Katiya top. The queen was also known as Saw Boh Mai. It was first known as Katiya Shin Boh Mai Phaya but later known only as Shin Bo Mai Phaya. After […]

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Phayani Pagoda

Phayani Pagoda was one of the 84.000 pagodas built by King Thiri Dhamma Thawka. the one for 12 Mwethariya relics. Originally it was only 12 cubits high. That was later renovated by Anawrahta. Inn-wa Thihathu. King Mindon and Thibaw to 93 cubits. It lies between 81st and 82nd Streets. 19th and 22nd Streets in Aungmye […]

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Palate is situated approximately 30 minutes by car from Mandalay. There is a famous pagoda in town. which is called the Palate Snake Pagoda. The reason for its name is due to the snakes that surround the main Buddha figure. At present there are three snakes however for a long time there had only been […]

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Maha Thetkya Marazein Kyauktawgyi Pagoda

Maha Thetkya Marazein Kyauktawgyi Pagoda was built by King Mindon of hite marble. It took three years from 1266 to [269. After the king’s demise. The Saopha of Nyaungshwe built its gantakuti temple and a tazaung for In the brick pyathats on the mahayan waff were figures of 80 arahantas. At the four corners were […]

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Maha Mingalar Pagoda

Maha Muni Image in Mandalay is also called Maha Myat Muni Pagoda. Payagyi and Rakhine Payagyi. It had been in reverence since Rakhine kings of Danyawady. In 1146 it was conveyed from Rakhine to Mandalay by the regent son of King Bodaw of Amarapura. It was given that Buddha came to Rakhine Danyawady under the […]

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Maha Loka Yanthi Aindawya Pagoda

Maha Lawka Yanthi Aindawya Pagoda was built in 1209 by King Bagan titled Loka Pawara Maha Yazadiyaza. the fourth king of Amarapura. Now the pagoda happens to lie in East Ward. thiri Hema Ward. Chan Aye Tha Zan Township. Mandalay. He had actually laid the inittial bricks. of gold. silver and bronze and the building […]

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Kyaukse is located near Mandalay city. in the Mandalay Division. It is 30 miles from Mandalay. This place is famous for the Kyaukse Elephant dance. The festival is usually held around October and November. The huge elephant is made from bamboo and paper. Then the figure is decorated with colourful and beautiful decorations on it. […]

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Chanthargyi Pagoda

Chanthargyi Pagoda was built in 1144 by regent Mahabizaya Thiha Thura. the eldest son of Bodawpaya of Amarapura. Also built together with the pagoda were four images of Buddha. Chanthagyi means the Arahanta Pho. a sublime bliss above the three abodes of men. nats and brahmas. Thus Buddha had” preached “Nirvana. paraman sukham”. The regent […]

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Baungdawkya Pagoda

It was built in 520 by Regent Min Shin Saw. son of King Alaungsithu who ascended the throne in the year 474. It was recorded that Prince Min Shin Saw received the ire of King Alaungsithu for some unknown reason and in the course of that he had to stay in Htungon Putet Ward of […]

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