Yadana Labhamuni Wish-Granting Paleik Mwe Phaya

Yadana Labhamuni Wish-Granting Paleik Mwe Phaya lies in the town of Paleik about 13 miles south of Mandalay. It was built in 474 ME by King Alaung Sithu . It is one of the most famous pagodas in the town of Paleik. It was so called especially after the great advent of snakes to the […]

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Wish-granting Chanthaya Pagoda

Chanthaya Pagoda was one of the 84000 pagodas built by King Thin Dhamma Thoka. It was built under the name of Lawka Tharaphu. It was 15 cubits high with a girth of ten cubits. It lies in Chanthaya Htone Kone of Chan Aye Thazan Township. Mandalay Division. King Alaung Sithu viewed the pagoda while on […]

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Wish-fulfilling. ordination umbrella-shaking pagoda

The Umbrella Shaking Pagoda lies in the west of Hna-kyat-khwe village. Kyaukpadaung Township. Manda-lay Division. It was built in dedication to the ordi¬nation of Shin Arahan and five hundred arahants. It has four significant points (1) if shaken from upturned and down-turned lotuses. the whole pagoda visibly shakes (2) there is only one lion statue […]

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Thardawya Pagoda

It was built by King Duttabaung and Queen Saw Myawady. the king having ruled for seventy years from 101 to 171 in Threkhittaya. It is in Kyunlon U-shaung Ward Mandalay. about a furlong from the two lions at the west entrance of Maha Myat Muni Phaya. It has four pagodas of Ninsinnao Mudra. four caves […]

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Tawagu Zedidaw

Tawagu Zedidaw lies between 20th and 82nd Streets in Pale-Ngweyaung Ward. Aungmye Thazan Township in Mandalay. King Narapate built the pagoda in 872. The king was on his way to revere the Phayani Zedidaw on board Nagaya Pyissaya white elephant when his dia¬mond ring made radiations. The king. surprised and happy. put the diamond ring […]

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Taungthaman Maha Thetkya Yanthi Kyauktawgyi Image

Taungthaman Maha Thetkya Yanthi Kyauktawgyi Image was built by King Bagyidaw also known as King Sagaing grand-son of King Badon. in 1192. under the supervision of Naymyo Sithu and Zeya Nawarahta. The fourth king of Amarapura. King Bagan. moved it to Amarapura Taung-thaman in 1211. He built the Gantakuti brick pyathat there. in the style […]

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Standing Ananda Pagoda

The pagoda with four sets of standing Ananda statues were built in 1143 by Queen Yindaw. consort of King Bodaw in Amarapura. The overall design was like Ananda Phaya of Bagan. It was renovated by the Princess of Pyu the consort of King Bagan who came to the throne in 1218. Then in 1279 it […]

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Shwesayan Pagoda

Shwesayan Pagoda lies near Shwesayan Village by Mandalay-PyinU Lwin motor road over 14 miles from Mandalay. It was built by Queen Saw Mon HJa. consort of King Anawrahta. It was said to be built at a place surrounded by sparrows as the relics con-tained in the ear studs gave radiations. It is one of the […]

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Mandalay Region

Mandalay Region is an administrative division of Myanmar. It is located in the center of the country, bordering Sagaing Region and Magway Region to the west, Shan State to the east, and Bago Region and Kayin State to the south. The regional capital is Mandalay. In the south of the division lies the national capital of […]

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Mandalay Hill-top Wish-granting Pagoda

King Anawrahta of Bagan went to China in sakarit 414 to bring the Tooth Relic of Buddha. On the way back he built the Mandalay Hill-top Wish-granting Pagoda. enshrining the Buddha relics. The standing statue of Buddha giving a prophesy was built by King Mindon in 1221. It is 18 cubits high. On the first […]

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