Kyaikpawlaw Image

Kyaikpawlaw Buddha Image is situated in Gangaw Ward. Kyaikhto. Mon State. About 221 years after the Parinibbana of the Buddha. Sri Lankan King Dewanampiya Teiktha in consultation with Ashin Maheinda floated four statues each enshrining a hair relic with four barges made of teak. jackfruit. thingan and rock cartwheel. Of the four. the one on […]

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Kyaikmaraw Pagoda – Mon State

Located 24km south east of Mawlamyine. The famous of the town is Kyaikmaraw Pagoda. The main Buddha image sits in the position of the legs hanging down as if sitting on a chair. The name Kyaikmaraw stands for Distinctive Image. where the sitting position of the Buddha Image differs from others. Kyaikmaraw Pagoda was the […]

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Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda – Mon State

Located 9 kms northeast of Thanbyuzayat. Kyaikkami was a small coastal resort and missionary center known as Amherst during the British era. The main focus of Kyaikkami is Yele Paya. a metal-roofed Buddhist shrine complex perched over the sea and reached via a long two-level causeway; the tower level is submerged during high tide. Along […]

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Kyaikhtihsaung Sandawshin Pagoda

It lies in Zotthot village. Bilin Township. Mon State. Zotthot village is near Belin Taungzun motor road. between Kelatha Mountain and Bilin River. The pagoda is on a hill called Mya-Oo Mountain. supposed to be inhabited by ogres. The pagoda was said to have been built by ogre brothers Mani Kondala and Dewa Kondala. At […]

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Kyaik Thallan Pagoda

Kyaik Thallan Pagoda is the most famous pagoda in Mawlamyine. lying at the top of Mount Than Lin or Naga Wuntha in Hlaing area of the city. It was known to be a resting place for the king of golden hamsas while Buddha lived the life of the king of hamsas. It is the peak […]

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Kangyi Pagoda

Kangyi Pagoda lies on the hill west of the vast lake east of Mudon. It was built to enshrine a Buddha’s hair relic granted by Buddha as he and five hundred arahantas were going on sojourn this way on completion of eight vasas to a hermit named (Min) Maung staying there. The original was built […]

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Gaungsay Kyun – Mon State

Gaungse Kyun meaning Head Wash Island in Myanmar. This beautiful little islet off Mawlamyine’s north-western end is a good picnic spot. The islet was named Head Wash Island because the yearly royal hair washing ceremony during the Inwa (Ava) period. used the water taken from a spring on the island. It was believed to be […]

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Emerald Almsbowl Pagoda

Emerald Almsbowl Pagoda lies on Theinganeik Peak in Thaton. Mon State. It was built for completion on the full moon day of Tabodwe. Sakarit 128. That year. Shin Maheinda and Shin Thawna of Mizzima Desa the arahantas brought eight hair relics of Buddha to Thuwunna Bhumi.   The king of that time. Thuwunna Maha Dhamma […]

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Bayin Nyinaung Yadanagu Pagoda

Bayin Nyinaung Yadanagu Pagoda is situated in Naungkyant. Thaton District. Mon. State. The cave was about 900 years old. It was first known as Maha Pathana Rock Cave. later known as Bayingyi Cave or Bayin Nyinaung Cave. as related to Thiha Kumara and Seitta Kumara. the sons of King Manuha.   On the edges of […]

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Yadana Myintzu Pagoda

Yadana Myintzu Pagoda was built in 840 by Yadanapura Inn-wa King Pyinson Min Thihathura and Queen Ameitta Thiri Dewi. It lies in Minde Eikin ward west township. now Aungmyethazan of Mandalay. It is one of the oldest in Mandalay. The king and queen repaired old pagodas after the barge got to Chaungpauk Village on Ayeyawady […]

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