Thatone – Mon State

In the early centuries of the Christian era the Mons were settled in the region between the Sittaung and Salween(Thanlwin) rivers which was known as the Mon kingdom of Ramanyadesa. Thaton. the seat of this kingdom was also known as Suvannabhumi or the Golden Land. which also applies to the whole region of continental south-east […]

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Thanbyuzayat – Mon State

Thanbyuzayat – or “tin shelter” is 30 kms south of Mawlamyine. It was the western terminus of the infamous Burma-Siam Railway. dubbed the ”death railway” by the thousands of Allied prisoners of war (and Asians who were forced by the Japanese military to build it.   A kilometer west of the clock tower in the […]

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Shwebontha Pagoda

Shwebontha Pagoda lies in Kyaikkaw village. Thein Seik Circle. Thaton Township. Mon State. Buddha came to Thuwunna Bhumi in Sakarit 111 at the request of Arahanta Gawunpati Hermit. Buddha gave two hair relics that were enshrined in the pagoda. They were granted to King Thiha Yaza. On 15th waning moon day of Kason. Sakarit 1 […]

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Shwe Saryan Pagoda (Thaton)

Shwe Saryan Pagoda was built by King Thuriya Sanda. and believed to have enshrined eight hair relics of Kakusana Buddha. the staff of Gonaguna Buddha. the emerald alms bowl of Kassapa Buddha and four tooth relics of Gautama Buddha. in addition to gold images. It was built on Thuna Pranta Hill. Gautama Buddha arrived in […]

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Setse Beach – Mon State

It lies 24 km south of Kyaikkami and 16 km south-west of Thanbyuzayut. Mon State. It is a very wide. brown-sand beach that tends toward tidal flats when the shallow surf-line recedes at low tide. The beach is lined by waving casuarinas trees. Vendors sell fresh young coconuts full of juice. and restaurants serve seafood. […]

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Phaungdaw-Oo Pagoda

The Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda lies near the big Hlay-hlaw-kan Lake. Nankhe Ward. Thaton. Mon State. It was built King Dhamma Pala of Thaton in Sasana Sakarit 942 In Sakarit 930. Mon monk named Ashin Maha Buddha Gosa went to western Sri Lanka and copied Buddha’s preachings. the Three Pitakas and Five ikais in Pali and […]

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Mudon – Mon State

In Mudon. the world’s Largest reclining Buddha Image has been constructing at Win Sein Taw Ya Forest. situated 29 km south of Mawlamyine. The Buddha Image is named as Zinathuka Yan Aung Chantha. which has a length of 400 feet (= 180 m). and inside the image is 182 rooms in 8 storeys. It has […]

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Mon State

Mon State is an administrative division of Myanmar. It is sandwiched between Kayin State on the east. the Andaman Sea on the west. Bago Division on the north and Tanintharyi Division on the south. It has a short border with Thailand’s Kanchanaburi Province at its south-eastern tip. The land area is 12.155 km². Mon State […]

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Mawlamyine (Moulmein) – Mon State

Mawlamyine (or Moulmein )is the capital of the Mon State in the Union of Myanmar. It is also the third largest city in the country. after Yangon and Mandalay. It has a population of about 240.000. Mawlamyine is an ancient Mon town. The name according to the legend comes from Mot-Mua-Lum. meaning “one eye destroyed” […]

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Maha Myat Muni Phaya (Kyaikhto)

A replica of Maha Myat Muni Image in Mandalay is situated opposite Kyaikpawlaw Image in Gangaw Ward. Kyaikhto. Mon State. In 1255. pious couple U Ant and Daw Goon paid obeisance to Maha Myat Muni in Mandalay and had an urge to pay obeisance to its replica in Kyaikhto. and so they sought the permission […]

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