Bamboo sticky tube

Bamboo-tube sticky rice which we called Kauk Nyin Kyidauk. is one of the favourite seasonal food among many traditional foods made with Myanmar rural products. There are various types of bamboo in Myanmar. among them. “ Tin-wa” “ pencil tube bamboo” is used in making Bamboo-tube sticky rice. Old-age bamboo and newly fresh sticky rice […]

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Bamboo Soup

YOUNG BAMBOO SPROUT SOUP WITH DRIED SHRIMPS Ingredients 3 cups sliced bamboo sprouts or shoots 1/2 cup powdered dried shrimps 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons oil 1 teaspoon (or to taste) fish sauce 1 teaspoon shrimp paste 5 cups water Large pinch turmeric A few sprigs Indian basil How to cook Buy prepared bamboo and […]

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(A VARIETY OF NOODLE SALADS) Myanmar Athot is a variety of noodles salad. (1) NOODLE SALAD (KAUKSWE THOT) Ingredients A packet of noodle 1 teaspoon fish sauce ½ teaspoon vinegar 1 teaspoon chilli powder a cup of tamarind juice some salt some Soyabean sauce 1 cucumber ¼ of cabbage Steps to make Boil 2 cups […]

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(A VARIETY OF FRIED VEGETABLES) Ingredients A packet of paste powder potato gourd banana eggplant small prawns some salt oil (You can add as many vegetables as you want.) How to cook First we have to make some paste to stick the vegetables. So. put the paste powder in a bowl and pour a little […]

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Myanmar Throne

The Royal “Lion Throne” of Myanmar myanmar-throneThe 180-year-old Sihasana Pallanka (Great Lion Throne) was exhibited in the Lion Throne Hall. Surrounding were all together 8 miniature replica models of the Thrones used by the Myanmar Kings in ancient times. :: Sihasana Pallanka (Lion Throne) :: Hamsasana Pallanka (Hamsa Throne) :: Gijasana Pallanka (Elephant Throne) :: […]

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Myanmar Stamps

These Myanmar stamps are arranged in chronological order. Text on the sides are the description or dedication of each stamps. See how the stamps reflect the life-style of the Myanmar people, according to time and different administrations. Stamps issued during British Colonial Administration, 1886-1942, 1945-1948   Stamps issued during Japanese Occupation, 1942-1945   Stamps issued […]

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Myanmar Money

Colonial Government’s Paper Money Currency: Rupee Myanmar Government’s Paper Money FEC: Foreign Exchange Certificate   Colonial Government’s Paper Money               Currency: Rupee         Myanmar Government’s Paper Money   FEC: Foreign Exchange Certificate  

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Myanmar Coins

Scorpion Seal, Obverse of Vesali Coins 420-A.D Sirivatsa Seal, Reverse of Vesali Coin   Coin of King Bhumi Sandra, 489-A.D The silver coin mentioning the title of the owner of the white elephant of Rakhine monarch, Nara Dipati Saw Lin Char (AD-1593)   The silver coin mentioning the title of the owner of the white […]

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