Ngar Htat Gyi

Ngar Htat Gyi Pagoda is located on Shwe Gon Taing Road. Tamwe Township. just across the Chauk Htat Kyi Pagoda. Ngar Htat Kyi (or) the five tiered Buddha Image. is a sitting Buddha image. located across the Chauk Hta Kyi Buddha Image. A huge image of seated Buddha is housed in a pavilion of iron […]

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National Races Village

National Races Village is located near Thanlyin Bridge. Thaketa Township. Yangon. National races village was constructed by Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs is situated in Tharketa Township. on the left of Yangon-Thanlyin Bridge. CONTENTS OF NATIONAL RACES VILLAGE Nan Myint Tower Bamar Village Rakhine Village Htokekhanthein Mon Village […]

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National Museum

National Museum of Myanmar is located at No. 66/74. Pyay Road. Dagon Township. Yangon. Myanmar. The National Museum of Myanmar was founded in 1952 with its premises at what was once the Jubilee Hall. In 1970 the museum was moved to a more spacious building on Pansodan Street. But these premises were not originally constructed […]

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Maha Zayya Ahtula Marazein Bronze Image

Under the close supervision of the most venerable Sayadaw. Bhaddanta Jagara. Aggamahapandita. Abbot of Dhammathukha Monastery. the Bronze image of the Buddha (Kyay Thoon Payagyi) at Kyatawya Ward. Bahan Township. Yangon was built in 1911 AD. (Myanmar Era 1273). with the main cash donation of sisters Daw Aye Hla. Daw Aye Mya and their brother […]

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Maha Wizaya

The Maha Wizaya Pagoda was built on the Dhammarakkhita (Guardian of the Law) Hill which faces the famous Shwedagon Pagoda. in 1980 to commemorate the first successful convening of all sects of the Buddhist monastic order. under one supervisory body. It was built from funds donated by the people across the whole country. An image […]

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Maelamu Pagoda

A wonder land of spire pagodas and sculptured figured located in North Okkalapa. a satellite town about 20 minutes drive from the city centre. Maelamu Pagoda is famous for the giant images depicting Buddha’s earlier lives. Maelamu Pagoda is located in suburban town. North Okkalapa. Yangon.It has a spacious ground where visitors love to stroll […]

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Kyauktawgyi Pagoda

Kyauktawgyi Pagoda is located at the corner of Pyay Road and Mindhama Road and on Mindhama Hill. Mingalardon Township. Yangon. Kyauktawgyi Pagoda or also known as Lawka Chanthar Arbayar Laba Muni Buddha Image. The Lawka Chanthar Arbayar Laba Muni Buddha Image craved from the one piece of white is marble rock was done in year […]

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Kyaikkalo and Kyaikkalei

The Kyaikkalo and the Kyaikkalei are the two ancient Pagodas standing on the left side of the highway running from Yangon to Bago.. The pagodas are located in Mingaladon township. Yangon. Their names are with the Mon accent. where Kyaik means pagoda. The pagodas are only a short distance away from the highway and can […]

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Koe Htat Gyi Pagoda

Koe Htat Gyi is located on Bargayar Road. Sanchaung Township. Yangon. The Koe Htat Kyi (or) the nine storey pagoda is another enormous Buddha Image in Yangon. It is a sitting Buddha Image. Koe Htat Kyi is also known as Atula Dipatti Maha Muni Thetkya Image. The image was built in August. 1905. It was […]

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Karaweik Hall

Karaweik Hall is located in the Kandawgyi Royal Lake. on the Kandawgyi Kan Pat Road. It is situated in the Kandawgyi Nature Park. Karaweik Hall is a landmark of Yangon. locating in Kandawgyi (Royal) Lake. This modern architecture of a mythical creature Karaweik. has 3 floors and ceremonies are held in it. This whole building […]

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