Fried Pork Strands

Ingredients 1 lb pork loin cut in 1½” pieces 1 tbs fish sauce 1 tbs vinegar 1 tbs chili powder ½ tbs turmeric powder 1 tbs sugar 2 tbs onion pounded 1 tbs garlic pounded 1 tsp ginger pounded 1½ cup water 1/3 cup oil ½ tbs salt   How to cook Marinate pork in […]

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Fish Sauce Dip

Ingredients 1 tablespoon oil 2 teaspoons shrimp powder Large pinch turmeric 3 tablespoons fish sauce 1 tablespoon coarse chili powder   How to cook Heat oil. lower heat slightly. add turmeric and chili. and fry till it darkens. Add shrimp powder and stir. When mixed. add shrimp sauce and cook for a minute after it […]

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Fish in Thin Gravy

Myanmar people find this dish popular because it preserves the natural flavor of the fish. The scant oil added. adds to the flavor and does not smoother it. Myanmar love to pour some gravy on the rice and add some fish. If liquor of preserved fish. ngapi and a crudite is added it makes a […]

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Fish Cutlets

Myanmar has big rivers and broad streams teeming with fish. Naturally. the Myanmar people are fond of fish. especially the fresh-water kind. Many tasty dishes have fish as the base. using one or the other of the many species. These dishes have the characteristic taste of Myanmar gravy dishes. steamed fish or deep-fried. Occasionally. a […]

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Feather-Back Fish Ball Curry

Ingredients 1 lb feather-back fish scraped ½ tbs ginger pounded ¾ tbs garlic pounded 2 tbs onion pounded ½ tbs lemon grass sliced finely pounded ½ tbs salt ¼ tbs sugar ½ tbs fish sauce 1/8 tbs turmeric powder 1 tbs chili powder 1/3 cup oil ½ cup thick coconut milk 3 tbs tomato puree […]

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Egg Plant Curry

The egg-plant is a bored Vegetable. It seems nothing good will come out of its slumberous ways. But not so. once at an exhibition in West Africa a thousand recipes were offered. Here is presented a simple one to show its simple character. Ingredients 3 big egg-plants 2 onions to make 1 cup crushed 2 […]

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Duck Curry

Duck skin contains much fat and has a rougher texture. When we eat out we scarecly order roast duck because it’s quite frustrating to separate the meat from the bone. But in the informality of the home duck makes quite a tasty dish. To cook. the ingredients are as follows : Ingredients One fresh duck […]

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Danbauk or Biryani

This and the recipe following are of Indian and Muslim origin. using ghee (clarified butter) instead of oil. People from Old India have resided in Myanmar so long that decades ago such dishes were adapted and commonly used by the Myanmar People.   Ingredients 2 (3-pound) chickens 3/4  teaspoon turmeric 1/8 teaspoon saffron 1/2 teaspoon […]

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Crunchy Cucumber Salad

For a tasty and crunchy cucumber salad. the following ingredients are needed.   Ingredients 7 whole green cucumber 9 pods garlic cut to small sizes 5 whole onions cut to small sizes ½ cup oil ¼ cup roasted sesame seeds ½ tsp salt 1 tbs sugar 1½ tbs vinegar   Steps to cook Cut 1½ […]

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Crisp Soya Bean Relish

Ingredients 3 soybean wafers 1/2 cup oil 2 medium onions Large pinch turmeric 1 bulb garlic 1 teaspoon chili powder   How to cook Cut soybean wafers with scissors in match-size strips and again to rrek long strips. As soybean cooks and browns tjuickly. even cutting is important. Slice onions evenly and finely. Slice garlic […]

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