
Pundits say that the world is at the dawn of a New Golden Age of travel. Growing affluence and leisure of the middle class not only in Europe but also in Asia. combined to spur the travel itch. thus opening further new frontiers for travel.   Jet-set tourists. tired of the familiar venues. stereotyped bland […]

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Mezali bud salad

Myanmar Traditional Herbal Panacea Mezali tree is a medicinal tree which Myanmar herbalists enlist in their treatises on herbal medicine as a panacea for diseases of stomach because of its slightly bitter taste and curative properties. This leafy and flowery tree grows wild in any part of the country. Its tender leaves and flower buds […]

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Mandalay Myee Shay

For a learner in English language nothing thrills me as the discovery of a new word or a new usage that emerges in the current writing. In the last decade the prefix. ‘Father. ‘has gained immense popularity beginning with the famous phrase.’ Father of all wars’. ‘father of all evils’ and a spate of phrases […]

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Laphet salad

Taking tea usually without milk and sugar is the custom in the Shan State. as it is through out the Union of Myanmar because everyone. young or elderly. male or female. lay or monk. drinks tea usually in the traditional way but rarely in a modern way mixing it with milk and sugar. Tea is […]

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VERMICELLI & DRIED MUSHROOMS SOUP (KYARZANCHET) Ingredients 3 pcs garlic 1 chopped onion 5 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp coloring chilly powder 1 tea-sp cooking oil 1 lb chicken 1/4 lb mushrooms 1/4 lb sliced fish cake 3 quartered onions 1 tea-sp pepper 1/2 lb bean vermicelli (bean thread) a few green onions How to […]

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Kneaded Fish Rice

MYANMAR FOOD KNEADED FISH RICE Ingredients 3 ½ pounds fresh. whole fish ngayan. catfish. or perch 2 teaspoons (or to taste) salt 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 ¼ cups oil 1 ½ cups onion. finely chopped 1 tablespoon dried garlic chips 1 teaspoon or less chili powder 1 teaspoon ginger powder 1 ½ cups chopped tomatoes […]

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The Htamane (glutinous rice) cooking festival is a traditional event in Myanmar that occurs around the Full Moon Day of the lunar month of Tabodwe. which usually falls in late January or early February. During the festival. glutinous rice is crushed and kneaded before it is mixed with other ingredients in huge iron vats using […]

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Green Mango Salad

Ingredients As mango is sour. different agents are used. There is no lime. and to offset sourness. shrimp paste. shrimp powder. and sesame are used. 4 or 5 green mangoes 2 tablespoons roasted sesame 2 medium onions. sliced seeds 4 green chilies 3/4 cup fried onions 1 teaspoon baked shrimp paste 1 tablespoon (or to […]

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Gourd Soup

MYANMAR FOOD SOUP – MYANMAR STYLE Soup is an essential dish in the menu of most nations. Westerners take their soup at the beginning of every meal before the main course. the Chinese. at the end and as far as I know. for most Asians. it is an accompanying dish through out the meal. something […]

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Fried Rice

MYANMAR FOOD FRIED RICE WITH ASSORTED VEGETABLES   Ingredients 12 ounces pork 3 medium tomatoes 1 ½ teaspoons garlic chopped 1 cup green peas shelled 1 1/3 tablespoons salt 2 medium onions 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 large green chilies 12 ounces prawns 2/3 cup oil before shelling 7 cups rice. cooked and cold 2 carrots […]

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